Mixin is not a function in Magento / Adobe Commerce

Published: December 17, 2024

A few weeks back I found myself staring at the following error on a Magento project.

TypeError: originalPlaceOrderFunction(paymentData,messageContainer).done is not a function. (In 'originalPlaceOrderFunction(paymentData,messageContainer).done(function(response){if(paymentData.method==='subscribe_pro'){$(document).trigger('subscribepro:orderPlaceAfter',[response]);}})', 'originalPlaceOrderFunction(paymentData,messageContainer).done' is undefined);

The error was firing in some cases when the user attempted to click the place order button. Googling wasn’t much help nor was the error message especially clear about the exact cause. As such I figured I’d do a quick write up to help any future developers who might find themselves in the same shoes.

The Backtrace

The backtrace from the error pointed toward the place-order-mixin.js file which was included as part of the Subscribe Pro extension:

Ref: https://github.com/subscribepro/subscribepro-magento2-ext/blob/8ea9593e3f734f42f3ae462c70cda5d14f5f470a/view/frontend/web/js/action/checkout/place-order-mixin.js#L10

Given that the error was pointing toward a file within the Subscribe Pro module, my first inclination was that this was a bug within their module, however that turned out to not be the case.

Applying Some Critical Thinking

Thinking more about the error I realized that if .done was “not a function”, that would indicate that originalPlaceOrderFunction was not a deferred object. Knowing that multiple mixins can be declared on a single JavaScript component / function I became suspicious that perhaps the problem wasn’t with Subscribe Pro itself, but rather another mixin returning an unexpected type such as Boolean prior to the Subscribe Pro code running.

Locating The Problematic Mixin

Searching the code I found another mixin also hooked into Magento_Checkout/js/action/place-order that was intended to validate that the quote’s shipping address contained a phone number.

], function (wrapper, quote, $t, messageList) {
    'use strict';

    return function (placeOrderFunction) {
        return wrapper.wrap(placeOrderFunction, function (originalPlaceOrder, paymentData, messageContainer) {
            var shippingAddress = quote.shippingAddress();
            if (!shippingAddress['telephone']) {
                messageList.addErrorMessage({ message: $t('Phone Number is missing on the Shipping Address.') });
                return false;
            return originalPlaceOrder(paymentData, messageContainer);

A-ha! So this mixin was returning false if the quote’s shipping address was missing a phone number. The Subscribe Pro code was subsequently trying to hook into the same function, but failing as it was receiving Boolean rather than the expected type.

Fixing the issue would ultimately require refactoring this code to handle phone number validation in a different way, rather than short-circuiting the place-order action.

Lesson learned: If you’re authoring a mixin, make sure you are returning the expected type for compatibility with other mixins.

Max Chadwick Hi, I'm Max!

I'm a software developer who mainly works in PHP, but loves dabbling in other languages like Go and Ruby. Technical topics that interest me are monitoring, security and performance. I'm also a stickler for good documentation and clear technical writing.

During the day I lead a team of developers and solve challenging technical problems at Rightpoint where I mainly work with the Magento platform. I've also spoken at a number of events.

In my spare time I blog about tech, work on open source and participate in bug bounty programs.

If you'd like to get in contact, you can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.