PHP Property Type Hints For Security

Published: September 5, 2017

Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time experimenting with PHP unserialize object injection vulnerabilities. Frequently, exploits against these types of vulnerabilities involve chaining together multiple objects to call unexpected methods on unexpected properties. This technique is known as creating a POP (property oriented programming) chain. Here are a few examples of how that plays out in PHP world…

In fact, there’s even a new project on GitHub called phpgcc which is building a list of generic POP chains (“gadgets”), similar to ysoserial in the Java world.

As I’ve been thinking about these types of exploits, one thing that came to mind is how property type hinting (which is not currently supported in PHP) could potentially be used to guard against these kinds of attacks.

For example, if we look at the Magento 2 file write chain, we’ll see it starts here…

// Credis_Client
 * Called automaticlly when the object is destrotyed.
public function __destruct()
    if ($this->closeOnDestruct) {
 * Closes the redis stream.
public function close()
    if ($this->connected && ! $this->persistent) {
            $result = $this->redis->close();

The chain, which is able to manipulate Credis_Client’s properties during unserialization sets the redis property to an instance of Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction.

Clearly, the redis property of Credis_Client is never intended to be an instance of Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction. In theory, if property type hinting were available, the author of Credis_Client could add a type hint that redis must be an instance of Redis. Then, in an ideal world, unserialization would fail making the chain unsuccessful.

I’m not knowledgeable enough on PHP internals to say whether or not this is even something that is enforceable via the property type. Currently, the typed properties proposal makes no mention of its impact on unserialize.

If this were available, it would be a nice feature for library authors to prevent their code from being mixed up in exploits due to poor coding practices by end users.

Max Chadwick Hi, I'm Max!

I'm a software developer who mainly works in PHP, but loves dabbling in other languages like Go and Ruby. Technical topics that interest me are monitoring, security and performance. I'm also a stickler for good documentation and clear technical writing.

During the day I lead a team of developers and solve challenging technical problems at Rightpoint where I mainly work with the Magento platform. I've also spoken at a number of events.

In my spare time I blog about tech, work on open source and participate in bug bounty programs.

If you'd like to get in contact, you can find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.