Java Serialized Object Detection
Published: September 12, 2017
I’m currently working on a tool that, among other things, attempts to detect if a string represents a serialized Java object.
I spent a while trying to find the best means for doing this and ultimately found the answer to my question in the slides for a talk titled “Deserialize My Shorts Or How I learned to Start Worrying and Hate Java Object Deserialization” by Christopher Frohoff.
Using CVE-2016-4010's POP Chain In Magento 1
Published: September 10, 2017
CVE-2016-4010 is an object injection vulnerability whereby an attacker can trick Magento into unserializing user controlled input.
Additionally, its author identified a POP chain that allows arbitrary file write. The chain, which was discovered in the Magento 2 code base, works like this…
1. Credis_Client::__destruct
Trick Magento into unserializing an instance of Credis_Client
. __destruct
is automatically called on the instance as a result of unserialization.
2. Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction::close()
calls close
on its protected redis
property, for which an instance of Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Payment\Transaction
is injected.
3. Magento\Framework\Simplexml\Config\Cache\File::save
calls save
on its _resource
property, for which an instance of Magento\Framework\Simplexml\Config\Cache\File
is injected.
4. file_put_contents
will call file_put_contents
using stat_file_name
and components
. Those properties can also be injected allowing complete control over both the contents and the location of the file (including filename).
A pretty nasty sequence of events…
I decided to do a little investigation into the feasibility of using this POP chain against Magento 1. Here I’ll share my findings…
PHP Property Type Hints For Security
Published: September 5, 2017
Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time experimenting with PHP unserialize object injection vulnerabilities. Frequently, exploits against these types of vulnerabilities involve chaining together multiple objects to call unexpected methods on unexpected properties. This technique is known as creating a POP (property oriented programming) chain. Here are a few examples of how that plays out in PHP world…
- File write in Magento 2 using a POP chain
- RCE in Zend Framework 1 using a POP chain (example starting on page 41)
In fact, there’s even a new project on GitHub called phpgcc which is building a list of generic POP chains (“gadgets”), similar to ysoserial in the Java world.
Google Subdomain Discovery For Sites Using Naked Domain
Published: August 30, 2017
In a blog post from Bugcrowd titled “Discovering Subdomains”, Google dorking is the first strategy covered…
The site directive will filter results only to your target:
After we have the initial domain in there we can use the -inurl directive. -inurl:www
Each subdomain we find can then be filtered out with more -inurl directives to make place for others: -inurl:www -inurl:shopping
This strategy for identifying subdomains is very convenient, but what about if the target is using their naked domain instead of www?
curl Based SSRF Exploits Against Redis
Published: August 14, 2017
SSRF (server side request forgery) is a type of vulnerability where an attacker is able trick a remote server into sending unauthorized requests. SSRF opens the door to many types of undesirable things such as information disclosure, DoS and RCE. In this post, we’ll take a look at the types of exploits that are achievable when we have access to curl Redis via SSRF.
Tracking Your Most Popular Blog Post Tags in Google Analytics with Jekyll
Published: August 7, 2017
Tagging is a feature built into most blogging platforms. Typically tags differ from categories in that there are many more of them on your site and a larger number of them are applied to a specific post. Here’s how WordPress describes the difference…
Tags are similar to categories, but they are generally used to describe your post in more detail.
Regardless of the exact meaning, understanding which tags on your site are most popular can help you make decisions about what type of content to publish. This post outlines a strategy for identifying your most popular tags in Google Analytics