Mage::getStoreConfig() in tight loops
Published: February 2, 2017
Recently, while doing some profiling of an uncached category page, I noticed something funny…A sizable amount of time being spent on Mage::getStoreConfig()
Digging in, I saw that it was coming from the navigation module. It contained a function called getAllFilterableOptionsAsHash
, which builds a map of URL keys (using it’s own logic) to Magento attribute option IDs. It looks something like this (abbreviated for simplicity’s sake)…
public function getAllFilterableOptionsAsHash()
$hash = array();
$attributes = $this->getFilterableAttributes();
$options = $this->getAllOptions();
foreach ($attributes as $a) {
$hash[$a->getAttributeCode()] = array();
foreach ($options as $o){
if (o['attribute_id'] == $a->getId()) {
$key = $this->createKey($o['url_alias']);
$key .= Mage::getStoreConfig('module/part/special_char');
$hash[$code][$key] = $o['option_id'];
return $hash;
In this case getAllFilterableAttributes
will return all attributes that are filterable and getAllOptions
will return all options for filterable attributes. On the site in question there were 18 filterable attributes with ~4250 options.
Based on the code above, this means Mage::getStoreConfig('module/part/special_char');
will be called ~4250 times. I began to wonder what the benefit might be of caching the value in an temporary value, rather than calling Mage::getStoreConfig
over and over. Here, I’ll share the results of my investigation…
How Partial Reindexing Schedule Impacts Page Cache Hit Rate
Published: January 30, 2017
One factor that impacts your Magento site’s full page cache hit rate is your partial reindexing schedule. By partial reindexing, I mean execution of the enterprise_refresh_index
job, which runs when the Magento cron is executed in “always” mode.
Let’s take a closer look at the interplay between partial reindexing and full page cache hit rate.
HTTP Response Header Size Limits
Published: January 24, 2017
A while back I published a post about HTTP request header size limits. At the time, I had just finished remediating an issue where requests were being blocked by a WAF for exceeding the “max header size” policy.
Recently, I’ve been dealing with a similar, but slightly different issue…requests failing due to the size of the response headers. Here, I’ll document my findings on this issue…
MySQL Query Cache Hit Rate
Published: January 22, 2017
MySQL’s query cache is a useful tool to improve performance and scalability. However, if not implemented correctly, it can do more harm than good…
The query cache offers the potential for substantial performance improvement, but do not assume that it will do so under all circumstances. With some query cache configurations or server workloads, you might actually see a performance decrease.
One critical data point to look at when measuring the effectiveness of query caching is the query cache hit rate. Let’s take a look at how to do that.
Enterprise_PageCache is Borked In 1.14.3.X
Published: January 20, 2017
If you are thinking about installing or upgrading to Magento Enterprise 1.14.3.X read this post right now. Enterprise_PageCache
is completely borked in both and The repro steps for the bug are not only dead simple, but also extremely common user behavior…
Steps To Reproduce
- Ensure that full page cache is turned on
- Navigate to a category page
- Apply any layered navigation filter
- Remove the filter you just applied
Expected result
Unfiltered category page is displayed
Actual result
Filtered category page continues to display
What’s worse, the cache for the unfiltered category page is now poisoned for any user who visits that page!
The good news it that there’s a patch available, SUPEE-9465. If that’s all you’re looking for I’ve posted it here.
However, because it’s interesting, let’s take at what went wrong starting in
Help! I Can't Set A Catalog Product Collection's Page Size
Published: January 18, 2017
I ran up against a pretty interesting issue recently. I was looking to render a custom block (descendant of Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List
) in a CMS block. You can do this with template variables…
{{block type="mpchadwick_customproductlist/list" template="mpchadwick/customproductlist/list.phtml"}}
Then, in my custom product list block I was setting up the collection in the constructor.
class Mpchadwick_CustomProductList_Block_List extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_List
protected $helper;
protected function _construct()
$this->helper = Mage::helper('mpchadwick_customproductlist');
$collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
return parent::_construct();
One of the things I was looking to do in the filterCollection
was set the page size. However, no matter what I did (e.g. setPageSize
, setPage
, limit
on the Varien_Db_Select
object) it still wouldn’t work.
Finally, after an hour of pulling out my hair, I figured out why.